Wednesday, October 9, 2024
9:40 am – 10:55 am

Not long ago it was "eat-move-sleep" that occupied the center of gravity in workplace well-being. But the world changed -- as did employee expectations. Global studies, and our own research, show that the measures that matter today center on personal purpose & meaning, connectedness & belonging, and a hopeful outlook on the future. Without these, people languish and work suffers. With them, people flourish at work, and outside of it. And we now have evidence that doing so moves the needle on business metrics that matter: employee engagement, retention, and health costs.

Join this action-packed panel to hear how new theories of human thriving and sustainability at work have been put into action in both small and large workforces. Speakers will build up a new data-backed conceptual model, show how it works within diverse work settings, and share lessons learned along the way. They’ll also share a new predictive model of employee retention that compares the impact of salary and factors like purpose, meaning, connection, and belonging on performance and turnover.

This panel will share the role of and ways to measure sense of belonging and the Net Belonging Score developed and used at EY with its own workforce as part of its focus on High Belonging Teams. Speakers will share real-world stories of how their organizations are putting these principles in practice.

Learning Objectives
After completing this session, participants will be able to:
1. Describe a new model of workforce well-being centered on purpose, belonging, and hopefulness.
2. Identify practical, validated measures that can be deployed with a workforce to gauge these factors.
3. Share examples of ways these factors connect to business metrics like employee engagement, retention, and health costs in order to help justify program design decisions. 1.25 ADV CECH Available

©2024 Health Enhancement Research Organization ‘HERO’

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